Understanding the reasoning behind tooth extractions.
There are a number of reasons why your teeth or a single tooth may need to be extracted, including:
Severe gum disease (periodontal disease)
This is caused by bacteria building up on your teeth, resulting in damaging the bone that holds them in place. The teeth become loose and will need to be removed professionally.
Tooth decay
If a tooth is very decayed, its nerves and blood vessels can die, leading to a pain abscess.
A broken tooth
If it can’t be repaired it will need to be removed.
Crowded teeth
If you have a small jaw or lost your baby teeth early, your teeth may be crooked and you may need to have one or more removed so the rest can be straightened.
Wisdom tooth problems
If there isn’t enough space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth, they may become impacted (stuck behind the tooth in front) and need to be removed.
What are the alternatives?
If you are uncertain surrounding the removal of a tooth, alternative treatments may be available. Painkillers or antibiotics may ease pain and swelling, but these will just relieve your symptoms in the short term and won’t remove the underlying problem. If you have crooked teeth, it is sometimes possible to have them corrected without extractions through orthodontic treatments.
There are number of reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted, including severe gum disease, tooth decay, a broken tooth, crowded teeth or wisdom tooth problems.
To ensure you don’t experience any pain or discomfort during or immediately after the procedure, you will be provided with a local anaesthetic to numb the area. After the anaesthetic has taken effect, the socket wear your tooth sits will be widened using an elevator or pair of forceps before the tooth is moved side to side until it is loose enough to be removed.
It’s important to keep your mouth as clean as possible so continue brushing your teeth as normal after the extraction but keep your toothbrush away from the healing would for the first couple of days.
For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us today!