Teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Sydney

Tooth whitening is one of the fastest, most effective ways to dramatically improve the aesthetics of your smile. Teeth tend to naturally discolour over time due to lifestyle (smoking, drinking coffee, tea and red wine) sub-par oral hygiene, certain medications and, simply, age. No matter the reason, we can help you achieve a brighter smile.

Here at Sydney General Dental we offer two teeth whitening options: Opalescence BOOST, or a professional take-home whitening kit.

Opalescence Boost is perfect if you’re looking for a bright white smile, without the wait. This in-office treatment will get you results in under an hour. The Opalescence teeth whitening gel is is applied by the dentist and is chemically activated upon contact with the discoloured teeth, meaning that there is no need for uncomfortable, hot curing lights used with other in-office whitening treatments. Safe and effective, Opalescence has been the leader in whitening for over 20 years.

At home bleaching trays are a good option if you’re not under a time constraint to brighten your smile. We will make you custom bleaching trays contoured to fit your smile and offer even distribution of the whitening gel across all your teeth. The trays will be worn anywhere from an hour to overnight for three weeks. The take-home bleaching gel has a lower potency than the kind used for in-office whitening, so much more time in contact with the teeth is needed to achieve similar results.

While over-the-counter kits may cost less than professional bleaching, any damage they cause may be expensive to repair. For example, some bleaching products contain acids which can dissolve tooth enamel. Unsupervised, long term or repeated use of over-the-counter kits increases the risk of such side effects.

Whitening toothpaste contains abrasive ingredients, mild bleaches or both which are usually only effective for surface stains such as coffee and red wine, but do nothing to address deeper staining and discoloration.

Sensitivity is a common side effect of teeth whitening, but it’s generally temporary and will subside shortly after finishing the whitening process. Opalescence Boost contains special desensitising ingredients to reduce sensitivity.

If carried out or overseen by a registered dental professional, whitening is perfectly safe. However, someone who doesn’t have the proper training or knowledge could potentially cause permanent damage to the teeth and gums. One of the most common dangers with teeth whitening is over bleaching. For some people, nothing’s ever enough. An obsession with white teeth causes some people to continue whitening far past the level of safety. This is why we urge you, even if you’re planning on using an over-the-counter whitening kit, to please first consult with a dental professional and keep them apprised of your progress and results.

For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us today!