Clear Braces

Clear Braces Sydney

It really wasn’t all that long ago that your orthodontic options were limited to traditional, chunky, metal braces. Thankfully, times have changed and there are now much more aesthetically pleasing options for your journey to a beautiful and healthy smile. We are very excited to be able to offer our patients two options of discreet, clear braces. Both Invisalign and ClearCorrect use a series of clear aligners to slowly and nearly invisibly bring your teeth into alignment over an extended period of time.

We offer our patients the opportunity to straighten their teeth using a series of clear, plastic aligners that are nearly invisible to the naked eye, and will go virtually unnoticed by those you interact with.

Clear braces are a great option for anyone looking for aesthetically straighter teeth, but no major orthodontic issues. Clear aligners are very effective for getting you a great smile, but they can’t address all the issues that traditional braces are able to. If you are interested in straightening your smile discreetly, come in for a consult with Dr Tinney and he will be able to advise you whether our options are right for you if you would be better off seeing an orthodontist for more intensive treatment.

The main thing you can control affecting your suitability for the treatment is your commitment. Because the aligners are removable, the success of the treatment relies entirely on your willingness and commitment to wearing the aligners for the advised amount of time.

Your clear aligners are created specifically for you based on impressions taken of your teeth at the start of the treatment. Each set of aligners will be worn for several weeks and, over time, they will gradually move your teeth into the desired alignment. To have the best results, it’s very important that you wear your aligners for the recommended amount of time (generally at least 22 hours per day), removing them only to eat and clean your teeth and the aligners themselves.

Besides the obvious advantage of nearly invisible treatment, you do actually have to option of removing the aligners entirely for special events or photo opportunities. Patients also tend to say that clear aligners are much more comfortable and convenient than traditional braces. Additionally, there’s no need to change your diet and be cautious about what you eat as you can remove your aligners during meals and snacks. Traditional braces are known to make oral hygiene difficult to maintain, but with clear aligners you can care for your teeth as usual.

Rinsing them under lukewarm water and gently brushing them with a toothbrush and toothpaste will keep them clean and minty fresh! It’s important to remember to brush your teeth after meals before putting your aligners in, because the aligners will trap food, sugar and bacteria around your teeth where your saliva can’t naturally flush it away, potentially leading to decay and infection.

For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us today!