Get the dentistry your children require from the team who understands their needs
Here at Sydney General Dental we are committed to giving your child a smooth introduction to dentistry while providing them with top-quality care. We strive to make every child’s dental visit as enjoyable as possible.
A child’s primary teeth (baby teeth) are incredibly important because:
- They pave the way for secondary teeth. The premature loss of primary teeth can lead to orthodontic issues such as overcrowding when adult teeth arrive
- Properly aligned and cared-for primary teeth are an important part of speech development
- They assist in jaw development, which is essential for effective biting and chewing
Building the habits that lead to lifelong oral health starts even earlier than you probably think. Even before your child’s first tooth comes through you should be getting them used to brushing their teeth. After each feeding you can wipe your baby’s gums with a warm cloth or a soft bristled toothbrush designed specifically for babies. As soon as they have their first tooth, you should brush it twice daily with a small amount of fluoride-free toothpaste made specifically for babies.
By the age of three your child will have all of their primary teeth, which need to be flossed once and brushed twice daily. If you start this routine with them even before they can do it themselves, it will be second nature by the time their oral health is in their own hands.
We strongly recommend that you do not put your baby to bed with a bottle of milk or juice. Doing so can cause sugars and harmful bacteria to affect the gums which can have a negative effect on how their baby teeth come through and cause horrible decay once they do.
Sometimes people assume that because their child’s primary teeth aren’t permanent, they don’t need to be cared for as seriously as their secondary teeth. This is definitely not the case. Primary teeth hold space for the adult teeth forming under them, and pre-mature loss of primary teeth due to decay can cause problems when the secondary teeth come in. Children who have cavities in their primary teeth are also more likely to have decay in their secondary teeth. Set your child on the path towards having a healthy smile for life.
When you bring your children to us, we will do everything within our power to ensure that they have a pleasant experience, but their impression of the experience will have begun to form long before they ever step foot in our office. Here are a few tips for how you can help your children have positive dental experiences:
- The earlier you first bring your children to see us, the better. Ideally we would like to see them within six months of the eruption of their first tooth, but the fact of the matter is that the sooner your children come to our office and have a positive, first-hand experience to draw conclusions from, the less easily they will be swayed by others’ ideas that the dentist’s office is scary.
- Don’t make a big deal out of a visit to the dentist. Treat it as unimportant and part of the normal routine; don’t make it the focal point of the day.
- Answer your children’s questions, but be vague. We have special ways of explaining treatments and procedures to children.
- Don’t use negative words such as drill, hurt, and needle.
- Make sure the book the appointment for a time of day when your child is least likely to be tired and cranky.
For more information or to book an appointment, please contact us today!